In general, biogas plants are a good investment, provided that they are planned, designed and constructed wisely and with common sense from the very beginning. This is how UTS works. Why? Because we like to get things done. As our American parent company might put it, we want to make an impact.
We go for plants where every single detail has been carefully considered. Plants that safeguard optimum output and minimum emissions, without any concessions. And which are ready for the future.
Our plants can be adapted and expanded in line with business developments and developments in society (legislation, regulations, political targets...). And last but not least, our plants always deliver their full potential. No trial and error, but through a meticulous approach. Down to the last detail.
Sounds good, doesn‘t it? How do we do this? By taking things step by step, and always working closely together with our customers. Biogas plants start with the substrate. What is available, how much is available, and what does it cost? We use this information to calculate and design the technically most efficient substrate pre-treatment and fermentation methods in order to reduce methane losses, minimise energy consumption - for example for the mixers -, and maximise gas yield. And, of course, we also pay attention to the downstream processes and the further approach to be followed.