With our Service Box Pro for anaerobic digesters and feedstock storage tanks with concrete or membrane roofs, operation of mixers is child’s play. Rotating the mixer to the left and right or adjusting the height is done from outside the tank within just a few minutes. General mixer maintenance can be completed on the Service Box platform thanks to the removable floor panel without lowering the level of the tank or even opening the membrane roof. That saves money and, of course, valuable time!
Servicebox Pro
Your specialist for service & safety
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Benefits at a glance
Servicebox Pro Features

Safety first!
The position and angle of the mixer can be inspected at any time with the integrated viewing window. The optionally integrated over/underpressure safety device provides reliable protection of the tank. In addition, use of the Service Box Pro patented gas lock seal enables safe digester maintenance with low methane emissions.
General mixer maintenance can be completed on the Service Box Pro platform thanks to the removable floor panel. For larger maintenance tasks or in case of replacement, mixers can be completely removed by simply loosening clamping bolts. All of this is possible without lowering the level of the tank or even opening the membrane roof. As a result, there is minimal or no impact on the biological process. That saves money and, of course, valuable time.
For plant operators, Service Boxes do not only mean a significant improvement of plant operating times, but also a huge plus in terms of safety.

Experience flexibility
- Use of mixers from various manufacturers with a propeller diameter of up to 1500mm
- Installation in tanks with concrete roofs or even with membrane roofs (20° to 45° angle up to ¼ sphere) possible

Uncompromising safety
- Integrated and frost-proof over/underpressure safety device for up to 5mbar overpressure and -1.3mbar underpressure
- Integrated biogas connection flange
- Spare instrument connections
- Standard biogas component certified by the German TÜV-SÜD

Quicker and easier maintenance
- Two service openings for smaller and larger maintenance tasks provide quick access while maintaining safety
- Minimize biogas loss
- Integrated viewing glass for quick inspection of the tank interior

PSM Mixer & Service Box Pro
Retrofits made easy
The Service Box Pro is ideal for installations in all anaerobic digesters and feedstock conditioning tanks with solid concrete and steel roofs and even direct integration into membrane roofs. The standard square pipe has a cross-section of 150 x 150mm (6inch x 6inch) and can be delivered in lengths of up to 12m (40feet). This makes it possible to integrate the Service Box Pro into a wide range of biogas plants or wastewater treatment plant anaerobic digesters.
Hundreds of plants in Europe and around the world already benefit from the advantages of the Service Box, including the integrated over/underpressure safety device and the convenient service opening for mixer maintenance and recovery without biogas discharge or hazardous tank entry. The Service Box Pro and PSM mixer are an ideal combination for your greenfield or retrofit project!
Our extras
For even greater comfort
There are various attachments and accessories available for the Service Box Pro. They can be optionally configured individually or as a package.